Nudibranchs For Sale

Nudibranchs are an incredible sea animal that are commonly found along coral reefs.  They are delicate in appearance, but very durable given the right conditions.  Some nudibranchs graze coral reefs and rock reefs albeit slowly, looking for sponges and other small sessile invertebrates to eat. Others are perfectly reef safe and devour nuisance algae.  Usually bright in color, and a clear warning to predators, nudibranchs are not consumed because they store poisonous chemicals in their tissues.  Any would be predator … Read more

Spanish Dancer Nudibranch

Hexabranchus sanguineus

Sale Spanish Dancer Nudibranch

Dolabella Sea Hare

Dolabella auricularia

Sale Dolabella Sea Hare

Sea Hare: Blue Spotted

Bursatella leachii

Sale Sea Hare: Blue Spotted

Californian Sea Hare

Aplysia californica

Sale Californian Sea Hare

Assorted Sea Slug: Fancy Color

Glossodoris sp.

Sale Assorted Sea Slug: Fancy Color

Tasseled Sea Hare

Aplysia sp

Sale Tasseled Sea Hare

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