Invertebrates Available For Sale

Invertebrates, also known as inverts, are a diverse group of animals that simply lack a back bone.  They are found in all parts of the world and are well known for their scavenging skills as well as their filter feeding and "cleaning" abilities. While a Starfish or Sea Urchin may be easily recognized, Invertebrates include some very odd members, such as a Sea Apple or Nudibranch. Invertebrates are a necessary component as they remove debris, and absorb and filter minerals to keep a balanced environment.

Invertebrates Available For Sale

Bubble Tip Anemone: Green - Eastern Asia

Entacmaea quadricolor

Sale Bubble Tip Anemone: Green - Eastern Asia

Chocolate Chip Starfish

Protoreaster nodosus

Sale Chocolate Chip Starfish

Crocea Clam: Ultra : Fiji - Aquacultured

Tridacna crocea

Sale Crocea Clam: Ultra : Fiji - Aquacultured

Derasa Clam: Striped w/ Blue Rim - Aquacultured

Tridacna derasa

Sale Derasa Clam: Striped w/ Blue Rim - Aquacultured

Lettuce Nudibranch

Elysia crispata

Sale Lettuce Nudibranch

Maxima Clam - Fiji

Tridacna maxima

Sale Maxima Clam - Fiji

Pistol Shrimp: Randalli

Alpheus randalli

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Randalli

Rock Flower Anemone: Assorted Green

Epicystis crucifer

Sale Rock Flower Anemone: Assorted Green

Rock Flower Anemone: Ultra - Atlantic

Epicystis crucifer

Sale Rock Flower Anemone: Ultra - Atlantic

Rock Flower Anemone: Ultra - Atlantic

Epicystis crucifer

Sale Rock Flower Anemone: Ultra - Atlantic

Sally Lightfoot Crab - Caribbean

Percnon gibbesi

Sale Sally Lightfoot Crab - Caribbean

Sexy Shrimp

Thor amboinensis

Sale Sexy Shrimp

Yellow Cucumber - Indo Pacific

Colochirus robustus

Sale Yellow Cucumber - Indo Pacific

Anemone Crab: White

Neopetrolisthes oshimai

Sale Anemone Crab: White

Blue Fiddler Crab

Uca sp.

Sale Blue Fiddler Crab

Bubble Tip Anemone Colored - Indo Pacific

Entacmaea quadricolor

Sale Bubble Tip Anemone Colored - Indo Pacific

Camelback Shrimp

Rhynchocinetas durbanensis

Sale Camelback Shrimp

Condylactis Anemone: Color

Condylactis gigantea

Sale Condylactis Anemone: Color

Coral Banded Shrimp

Stenopus hispidus

Sale Coral Banded Shrimp

Crocea Clam: Ultra - Fiji - Aquacultured

Tridacna crocea

Sale Crocea Clam: Ultra - Fiji - Aquacultured

Dolabella Sea Hare

Dolabella auricularia

Sale Dolabella Sea Hare

Fire Shrimp - Red Sea

Lysmata debelius

Sale Fire Shrimp - Red Sea

Halloween Hermit Crab

Ciliopagurus strigatus

Sale Halloween Hermit Crab

Horseshoe Crab

Limulus polyphemus

Sale Horseshoe Crab

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