Rabbitfish For Sale

Rabbitfish, sometimes known as spinefoots or foxface, are easily spotted due to their pronounced venomous dorsal spikes and signature face stripe.    They are community fish that do well with their same species or just about any other fish common to rock reefs and coral reefs.   The venomous doral spike is used for protection as the they bold the open waters and search for meaty seafoods and algae.  Rabbitfish are easy to care for and will do well in any environment. …

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Streaked Spinefoot Rabbitfish

Siganus javus

Sale Streaked Spinefoot Rabbitfish

Goldspotted Rabbitfish

Siganus punctatus

Sale Goldspotted Rabbitfish

Foxface: One Spot

Siganus unimaculatus

Sale Foxface: One Spot

Foxface Rabbitfish

Siganus vulpinus

Sale Foxface Rabbitfish

Magnificent Foxface

Siganus magnificus

Sale Magnificent Foxface

Blue Lined Rabbit Fish

Siganus puellus

Sale Blue Lined Rabbit Fish

Blue-Spotted Rabbitfish

Siganus corallinus

Sale Blue-Spotted Rabbitfish

Brown-Spotted Rabbitfish

Siganus laqueus

Sale Brown-Spotted Rabbitfish

Little Spinefoot Rabbitfish - South Pacific

Siganus spinus

Sale Little Spinefoot Rabbitfish - South Pacific

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