Chalice Mycedium : Grade A

Mycedium sp.

(0 Reviews)

Chalice Mycedium : Grade A

Chalice Mycedium : Grade A

Mycedium sp.

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Chalice Mycedium : Grade A Care Facts

Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Minimum Tank Size: ~
Acclimation Time: 2+ hours
Reef Safe: Yes
Coral Safe: Yes
Invertebrate Safe: Yes
Lighting: Moderate
Placement: Middle
Waterflow: Moderate

Chalice Mycedium Corals are stunning and unique additions to any reef aquarium. These corals are closely related to Chalice and Echinophyllia corals, but require specific care to thrive. It's important to leave enough space between them and other corals to prevent their sweeper tentacles from stinging neighboring corals. Chalice Mycedium Corals also require moderate water flow and low to moderate lighting.

Providing the right environment for Chalice Mycedium Corals can lead to healthy growth and stunning coloration. By ensuring proper water flow, lighting, and spacing, these corals can thrive in a reef aquarium. It's essential to understand their specific care requirements to avoid any issues with their sweeper tentacles or coloration. Overall, Chalice Mycedium Corals are a unique and fascinating addition to any reef aquarium, and with the right care, can provide a beautiful focal point for years to come.

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